Wealth Management

At Numeric Accounting, we offer a full range of accounting and wealth management services for business owners and entrepreneurs across the UK. We are committed to supporting businesses in planning for the future.

Whether you are still growing your business, or ready to plan your exit strategy, we have the expertise to help secure your financial future. We can help you make the right decisions to get your business in good shape, ready to sell or hand-down to the next generation. We can help you make the plans you need to convert your business into cashflow when you retire.

We understand that business ownership and personal wealth go hand in hand. Our wealth management experts can offer advice on how to create value in your business. We deal with everything from personal financial planning, succession planning and selling a business, through to making the transition to retirement.

How we can help

The financial decisions you make about your business will have far-reaching implications for your business, yourself and your family. Planning ahead will protect the business you have worked hard to grow and give you reassurance about your financial future. Our professional wealth management advisers will help with:

  • Protecting your business
  • Tax planning
  • Inheritance tax advice
  • Succession planning
  • Company valuations
  • Company reorganization
  • Risk management
  • Insurance advice
  • Selling your business

Wealth Management FAQs

What is the best structure for my business now and in the future?

We can give you advice on the best structure for your business. Whether you are a sole trader or a Public Limited Company we can advise you on everything from recordkeeping through to tax liabilities, and ensure you have the structure that will add value to your organization.

How can I reduce my tax bill?

Our tax specialists are experts in minimizing tax liabilities. We can evaluate your business structure and ensure you achieve the best personal and business financial position to keep your overall tax bill to an absolute minimum.

What should I do with a cash surplus?

Whether or not it’s a good idea for you to invest your cash surplus is complicated. There are certain tax implications, and in some cases, it is better to leave your cash within the company. Our wealth management and tax experts will make sure you understand all of the options and help you make the right investment choice for your business.

How can I reduce risk in my business?

Businesses of all sizes face risks. Our wealth management team will perform a risk analysis, help you select a business structure to limit liability, and help you make the financial decisions that will build your business for the future.

How do I create an exit strategy?

Whether you plan to sell your business or pass it on to a member of your family, we can help you with an exit strategy that keeps you financially secure and well prepared for the transition.

You may not be planning to stand down or sell up anytime soon, but things can change quickly. If you haven’t prepared an exit strategy in advance you could end up making poor decisions. With the right exit strategy, you will be able to maximize your financial gain.

What do I do if I am planning to sell my business?

Selling your business is a big step. Owning and running your own business makes it a part of your identity. We offer guidance with the financial ramifications of selling your business, including tax liabilities. We can value your operations and provide advice on finding the best buyer.

How can I pass on my business to my family?

We are experts in succession planning. We will help you to identify the business-critical positions for which successors are needed. We can help you make the right decisions to ensure your business will continue to run smoothly when you step down.

We understand the financial position of our clients like no one else. Let us help you make the right choices for the future.

Other Packages & Services

If there are services you would like to add or remove from our standard packages or you require a more bespoke accountancy package that better suits your needs then we are more than happy to provide you a separate quotation.

For more information and to discuss the package and services that best suit your business or organization, please get in touch.

“The whole point of having an accountant is to add value to your business…”