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Numeric Accounting has offices in Salisbury, Wiltshire & in Southampton. We offer a full range of professional accountancy services to businesses across the UK.

IR35 Legislation Changes for Workers in the Public Sector

There are significant changes from 6 April 2017 for workers in the public sector supplying their services via their own personal service companies or other intermediaries.

From 6 April 2017 the public sector employer or agency that engages the worker will have to review the employment status of the worker and decide whether or not to deduct tax and national insurance from payments to the worker even though he or she invoices for the services through their own company. An online tool called “The Employment Status Service” has been made available by HMRC and can help them make that decision. The tool can be used if the worker uses either an employment agency, or other third-party to get work.

These changes come on top of the restrictions on the tax deductibility of travelling expenses for IR35 workers that came into effect on 6 April 2016. Please contact us if you want to discuss whether or not these rules affect you or your organisation.

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Dividend Allowance to be Reduced

During the March budget the Chancellor announced measures to limit the rise in tax-driven incorporation. The £5,000 tax free dividend allowance introduced by George Osborne will now be reduced to just £2,000 from 6 April 2018. Mr Hammond claimed that many smaller owner-managed businesses have incorporated as limited companies mainly for tax reasons. Typically the director/shareholders of such businesses have paid themselves in dividends and paid less tax than similar unincorporated businesses.

Currently, once the dividend allowance has been used the remaining dividends are taxed at 7.5%, 32.5% and then 38.1% depending upon whether the dividends fall into the basic rate band, higher rate band or the additional rate. There are rumours that these dividend rates may also be increased in future years.

Although the cut in the tax-free dividend allowance is clearly aimed at owner managed companies, it will also impact on those with substantial share portfolios. Mr Hammond reminded us in his speech that the annual ISA investment limit increases to £20,000 from 6 April 2017 and that dividends on shares held within an ISA continue to be tax free.

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Personal Tax Rates & Allowances – Tax Year Ended 5 April 2018

Now that the 2017 finance act has been published we are happy to confirm the tax rates, bands and allowances to be used for individuals, for the current tax year ended 5 April 2018.

The personal allowance has been increased to £11,500 but as in previous years, the allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 by which income exceeds £100,000 i.e. those with income of £123,000 or more will loose theirs. The marriage allowance, which allows people to transfer 10% of their personal allowance to their spouse/civil partner as long as the recipient is not a higher or additional rate taxpayer, is therefore £1,150. Claiming the marriage allowance is worthwhile where not to would mean personal allowance is wasted. The allowance give a total £230 saving for the one benefiting.

The married couples allowance (which is not the same thing as the marriage allowance) is available to married couples and civil partners where one or both were born before 6 April 1935. The allowance is set at £8,445, but reduced by £1 for every £2 by which income exceeds £28,000 until it reaches £3,260.

The tax-free savings allowance remains at £1,000 for basic rate taxpayers and at £500 for higher rate taxpayers. Those paying tax at the additional rate do not receive a savings allowance.

The new rules for the taxation of dividends (from April 2016) saw all taxpayers being entitled to a dividend allowance regardless of the rate at which they pay tax. This allowance is unchanged at £5,000, however we now know the plan is to reduce it to £2,000 from 6 April 2018.

Moving on to tax rates & bands for 2017/18 it is worth noting that basic rate income tax remains at 20%, higher rate at 40% and the additional rate is still 45%. For the UK (but excluding Scotland) the basic rate band is set at £33,500 and the additional rate of tax applies to taxable income exceeding £150,000.

Finally dividends in excess of the dividend allowance (above) are still taxed at 7.5% where they fall within the basic rate band, 32.5% at higher rate and 38.1% if within the additional rate band.

Capital gains tax

It is good news all around for CGT with the annual exempt amount increasing to £11,300 for the tax year ended 5 April 2018. In addition to this the new favourable tax rates remain unchanged at 10% to the extent that total income and gains do not exceed the basic rate band, and 20% where total income and gains exceed the basic rate band. Unfortunately the higher rates of 18% and 28% respectively which apply to gains on residential property remain unchanged also.

If you need advice in this area then we are here to help.

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What is “Making Tax Digital”?

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is a government initiative to modernise HMRC’s tax system, with the aim of making the whole process of administrating tax simpler and more efficient. All of your tax information will be in one place (your digital account) and you will be able to pay tax based on your business activity during the year. You can upload and update your tax account in real time.

Will it affect me?

If you own a business, you are self-employed and you pay income tax, national insurance, VAT or corporation tax then it is quite likely you will be affected. This means you could be required to keep track of your tax affairs digitally using MTD compatible software, and to update HMRC at least quarterly via your digital tax account. Eventually this will abolish the annual tax return. This will be the law and there will be penalties for non- compliance.

What do I have to do?

You will need to open and log into your digital account. Everyone will be allocated one through the current Government Gateway. Then you will need to ensure your accounting software can update this account at least quarterly. For most businesses, this means a move away from desktop and onto Cloud based accounting software. You are required to choose digital (Cloud) software to maintain your business records and to provide updates of information to HMRC. You will be prompted to send summary updates directly to HMRC – quarterly updates will need to be submitted within a month of quarter end, and an end of year activity report will be due within nine months of the end of the accounting year. As your accountant and tax agent, we can advise you on the software you will need and how to comply with the new quarterly reporting requirements.

When is all this happening?

MTD starts with businesses above the VAT threshold limits (currently £85,000) for accounting periods commencing on or after 6 April 2019. Those affected will be required to keep digital records for VAT purposes. By 2020 it is most likely all other businesses will have to comply.

What’s next?

We will be providing information to our clients in the coming year via newsletters, blogs or direct emails to prepare you and get you ready for Digital Tax well in advance. In the meantime, if you want to discuss how this affects you and your business please contact us.

What are we doing for you?

We have a dedicated page detailing what Making Tax Digital means for businesses. For those of you who do not currently keep digital records, we are providing support by helping you convert to one of our packages on the Xero accounting platform.  This is a very simple software to operate and is fully MTD compliant.  Have a look at our Xero page for a more detailed list of benefits and then please do contact us and we will build a package that suits you and business and covers all your needs in the modern environment.

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