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Numeric Accounting has offices in Salisbury, Wiltshire & in Southampton. We offer a full range of professional accountancy services to businesses across the UK.

VAT Soft Landing Extension

VAT Soft Landing Extension

On 7th April 2020 HMRC published an update to Notice 700/22 (, which confirms the rumours which have been circulating, that the ”soft landing” period has been extended and will now end for VAT return periods starting on or after 1 April 2021 instead of 1 April 2020.

Although not explicitly stated, it is understood that this is to ease the pressure on businesses struggling with issues compounded by the Covid-19 measures. (more…)

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New ‘National living Wage’ Tax Credit Changes

The most radical announcement by the Chancellor on 8th July was a significant reduction in the amount the government plans to spend on tax credits and other State benefits. At the same time he announced that there would a new national living wage to be paid by employers, rising to £9 an hour by 2020.

This strategy combined with the increase in the personal allowance to £11,000 for 2016/17, and eventually £12,500, means that employees will keep more of what they earn but the tax credits received to top up their income will be significantly reduced.

Employers will need to assess the impact of this change on the profitability of their business and we can help you consider this in more detail as there are other factors such the increase in the employment allowance to £3,000 next year and the planned reductions in the corporation tax rate that may also be relevant to your business.

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Tax returns filed on time?!!

Hopefully your tax return was in by the end of last month!  If not, what excuse will you give?  Paperwork destroyed in a yacht fire and wasp attack in a car were apparently among the top ten excuses that HMRC received last year to explain late tax returns.  Another was ‘I could not complete my tax return because my husband left me and took the accountant with him.’  Nothing to do with us I should add!!!

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Crazy charity bike rides!

Having completed John O’Groats to Land’s End on a bike in 11 days in 2015 in aid of Salisbury Hospice, 2016 was a year off from any serious biking challenges (apart from the odd 100 miler or two!).

2017 is a different story!  In just under 2 weeks time I will be embarking on a 4 day 140 mile trek off road through the Lake District, taking in some stunning scenery and seriously challenging climbs (roughly 16,000 feet in total!) and descents over some very rugged terrain that will test both bikes and riders to their limits.  This will be done carrying all clothing and gear for the expedition – there is no support vehicle!

The ride is being done in aid of the Yorkshire Cancer Centre Appeal which raises funds for St James’s Institute of Oncology (Jimmy’s) in Leeds, which provides specialist medical equipment, research and development and patient ‘home comforts’ for cancer patients.

If anyone feels able to sponsor me for the event I will be extremely grateful.  You can make a donation via the following Just Giving link.  This link also provides a bit more information on the charities and the crazy fools who have taken up the challenge!

Watch out for details of Bournemouth to Paris in aid of Julia’s House later this year!

Thanks for your continued support.

Jon Baggot

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Our 80s Summer Party Boat Experience

7:30 p.m. on Saturday saw the start of a crazy night out away from the office for the team at Numeric Accounting. It was agreed that an 80’s Summer Party on board a disco boat with Blue Funnel, out of Ocean Village, Southampton, was worth a go. And it turned out to be a fantastic fun time for everyone.

The evidence has now emerged and please see for yourself:



















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Christmas Party 2017

Numeric Accounting kicked off their festive celebrations with a trip to Beaulieu National Motor Museum on Friday 8th December for a ‘Night at the Movies’ themed Christmas party. A few pictures from the night are below however, a few will stay on heavily password protected smartphones for the benefit of some staff/directors.


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Interesting excuses for submitting a late tax return

Whilst the 2017 tax return deadline has now passed, you can be sure there are some people who have not filed their tax return. It’s therefore not a surprise to hear every year HMRC receive some creative excuses as to why returns have not been submitted on time.

Here are just a few:

1.       My tax return was on my yacht…which caught fire.

2.       A wasp in my car caused me to have an accident and my tax return, which was inside, was destroyed.

3.       My wife helps me with my tax return, but she had a headache for ten days.

4.       My dog ate my tax return…and all of the reminders.

5.       I couldn’t complete my tax return, because my husband left me and took our accountant with him. I am currently trying to find a new accountant.

6.       I couldn’t file my return on time as my wife has been seeing aliens and won’t let me enter the house.

7.       I’ve been far too busy touring the country with my one-man play.

8.       My ex-wife left my tax return upstairs, but I suffer from vertigo and can’t go upstairs to retrieve it.

9.       My business doesn’t really do anything.

10.     I spilled coffee on it.

If you want a hassle-free experience filing your tax return next year, get in touch!


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“Beast from the East”

From the amount of snow fallen over the past 24 hours and from some of the pictures and stories on social media, you’d be forgiven to confuse the south of England with scenes from Pyongyang and the recent Winter Olympics.

Our Dibden employees haven’t managed to make it to our Southampton office in the middle of the New Forest today (02 March 2018), however a few local Salisbury Team members have made it to the city centre. Our Directors are also working, but with the only possible mode of transport in to work for them being a sled or possible snow mobile, they’ve decided to work from home.

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Tax refund scams

HMRC have seen a sharp increase in the number of scam emails and text messages that claim members of the public have received a tax rebate, only for their bank account and personal details to be handed over to cyber criminals.

Criminals are sending these phishing emails now to coincide with the period in which HMRC issues genuine tax refunds through the post (if you are entitled to a refund, you can expect a legitimate letter from HMRC between June and October). Criminals also use other periodical events such as the self-assessment deadline in order to catch out members of the public that believe the emails they have received are legitimate

We would, therefore, like to highlight a few points to users of our App and website, which could prevent personal data from getting into the wrong hands:

–          HMRC will never use text or emails to tell you about a tax rebate or penalty or ask for personal or payment information.

–          Genuine financial organizations like HMRC and banks will never contract somebody asking for their bank details, passwords or PIN. Emails received out of the blue should also be treated as suspicious.

–          HMRC have created a guide focusing on phishing emails and bogus contact.  Here’s the link.…

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